For now, I am having to say good-bye. I'll try to explain, but knowing me,it will be as clear as muddy water.
I wish,wish ,wish that I had time to blog, but I am on a fixed income , and have to write things that will pay me money. Since March 2010, I have earned only $1.72 on my blog. I had hoped I could earn from this blog in time, and make friends,too. [If you google Jackie D. Kimball,you'll see what I'm up to in my writing.]
If blogging was all the writing I did, and it was just a fun pastime,You guys would SO Be worth it. What a great group of gals( and you ,old geezer!) I found. The truth is, I just don't have time to visit my blog friends. I LOVE BOGGING AND VISITING BLOGS! I was spending hours just visiting my blog friends, and only wrote a few things for adsense sites in 5 weeks. Well, it caught up with me, and I made just a few cents writing on my adsenses revenue sites in January! I tried to make a rotation, visiting about 10 of you a day, but I didn't want to just stop by, and not read/make a comment. I was taking hours. (You all know it does!lol!!!!)
If I am ever going to be a success at this extra income, I have to devote more time to sites I know I can monetize on, such as hubpages and infobarrel. The thing is, you are expected to visit and comment on those articles, too. It is very time consuming. I had gotten to the point that I was on the computer all day. That is not what being newly retired is supposed to be,is it?Grinning.......
I just can't keep up. Something had to go.(So Twin, I'm gonna try to get busy, and see you there.:>)
I am going to keep my blog open, I will be reading on your blogs from time,to time maybe even comment. Who knows, maybe someday, I'll get the hang of it and be able to handle the money sites , and the fun sites. AS I SAID>>>YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!
So, least for now.....I'm saying goodbye.
AS always,thanks for dropping by!~~~~Jackie~~~
Workshops update
3 days ago
Dear Jackie, I do understand all that you said. I consider myself a part-time blogger, and just can't keep up with everyone. I blog when I can and visit when I can. I am sure there are many that feel the same way. Some have more time than others and God Bless them all. God Bless and be with you always. I wish you all the very best. Good luck on all your endevers, and be well.
ReplyDeleteSincerely, Dianne :)
I live on a fixed income too so I know exactly what you are talking about. Do what you have to do, we understand.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you!
Jackie, I totally understand about the time consumption of blogging. I don't even do it for money and I have to really be careful! Housework, family, clean clothes & food on the table require time too, so I've had to limit myself. Wishing you well and hope to see you around.
ReplyDeleteStop by anytime, Jackie and visit. I understand what you are saying ... I will try and read some of your articles.. They sound interesting...
ReplyDeleteMay God bless and keep you...
I totally understand. It does take a lot of time to read others blogs and leave comments. And with your condition I wouldn't think it's good to be sitting at a computer all day. I know I can't. Good luck with your writings Jackie. I've never tried to make money at any of this stuff. It must be tough. Take care and I hope things get better for you. Hugs!!
ReplyDeleteJackie, I'm in the middle of taxes and had posted that I'd be back in about 2 weeks, but I saw this post of yours. I understand it, believe me I do. It is VERY hard to just run by everyones' pages and write a little note. It takes hours and hours and there are days that even though I adore everyone I've met, that I think of shutting down because I can't keep up with regular life and blogging, too. I don't know what to say except that I think your idea of leaving the page open "in case" is a good, GOOD idea. At least that way, if something major happened, you could post about it as information for the rest of us. Luckily we all have Dashboard and can see if something is new.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, you do what you need to do for yourself. Blogging will always be around and so will most of us. Take care of that sweet little kitty, too :D xoxoxo
Jackie, I'm so sorry. Much like you I find myself dedicating too much of my time trying to answer comments, write new articles, write a blog and read other people's blogs, hubs, lenses, and infobarrel with very poor performance on all areas. Hope you have good results with your new concentration and that we will still see you from time to time.
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you, Peggy
Hi friend. I was really freaked out with your first line. I was scared it was health related and so glad your ok. I will just catch up with you on HubPages. Thanks Goodness this isn't goodbye. We can't leave eachother now. LOL
ReplyDeleteHope you will be able to come back to blogging in the future. And I hope all the flooding is not happening in your part of the state. Be well and happy.
ReplyDeleteHello Jackie, I so understand as I haven't been on very much lately. Today it is raining so finally takeing time to visit. Just don't get a chance to do that much anymore. The people are just wonderful and it is so nice to just pop in once in a while to touch base. Hope all is going well for you. Hugs and prayers. Carrie
ReplyDeleteI dropped by to say "Hello"
ReplyDeleteI hope things are going better for you.
God Bless
Jackie so sorry your not hear now. But what is nice you can always come back at another time. Your place will always be here. Wishing you the best. Carrie