For now, I am having to say good-bye. I'll try to explain, but knowing me,it will be as clear as muddy water.
I wish,wish ,wish that I had time to blog, but I am on a fixed income , and have to write things that will pay me money. Since March 2010, I have earned only $1.72 on my blog. I had hoped I could earn from this blog in time, and make friends,too. [If you google Jackie D. Kimball,you'll see what I'm up to in my writing.]
If blogging was all the writing I did, and it was just a fun pastime,You guys would SO Be worth it. What a great group of gals( and you ,old geezer!) I found. The truth is, I just don't have time to visit my blog friends. I LOVE BOGGING AND VISITING BLOGS! I was spending hours just visiting my blog friends, and only wrote a few things for adsense sites in 5 weeks. Well, it caught up with me, and I made just a few cents writing on my adsenses revenue sites in January! I tried to make a rotation, visiting about 10 of you a day, but I didn't want to just stop by, and not read/make a comment. I was taking hours. (You all know it does!lol!!!!)
If I am ever going to be a success at this extra income, I have to devote more time to sites I know I can monetize on, such as hubpages and infobarrel. The thing is, you are expected to visit and comment on those articles, too. It is very time consuming. I had gotten to the point that I was on the computer all day. That is not what being newly retired is supposed to be,is it?Grinning.......
I just can't keep up. Something had to go.(So Twin, I'm gonna try to get busy, and see you there.:>)
I am going to keep my blog open, I will be reading on your blogs from time,to time maybe even comment. Who knows, maybe someday, I'll get the hang of it and be able to handle the money sites , and the fun sites. AS I SAID>>>YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!
So, least for now.....I'm saying goodbye.
AS always,thanks for dropping by!~~~~Jackie~~~
Workshops update
3 days ago