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Really............So I have another blog, which is my official author page. Jacqueline Kimball- Just a Bloggin' I write about me and the family,good books to read,interview authors, and whatever else pops in my lil ole southern head!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME !

Yesterday was my birthday! I am 61! People say I look 50. (Liars..ha!) I can still kick it though!

I had a wonderful day. Nothing really that special, but wonderful anyhow.
After taking my coffeee next door to Mama'a house and chatting for at least a half hour,I mowed the front yard and my back yard.

I came in and cooled off, took a shower, and fixed lunch for Lisa and me.Both of my other grown kids called to wish me a happy birthday...AWWwwwww....sniff, I miss them so much!

At 5:00 P. M. , Mama, Lisa , and I went out to a fish,seafood, and steak restaurant called Brown's Landing.The fish was perfect and the salad bar was totally drool worthy!

Later , I joined several other women at our church for scrapbooking.(Until 12:30!)

Then tonight , we had a big family get together. Everyone bought a few delicious food dishes, and it was a smashing success. I asked my sister-in-law Linda to make a dessert called Oreo fluff instead of a birthday cake. OH-MY-GOODNESS.......

Came home and took off my compression hose( for the lymphedema) and got into my old green gown. Now I am just playing on the computer.Cheers!

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I'm Totally Southern,Y'all !