You never know in LA what the last day of August is going to look like. I'd say there is a hint of fall in the air today. The temp is in the 80s and quite pleasant , with a few trees beginning to adorn themselves in lovely orange/gold ensembles. Fall is my favorite time of the year. The central air conditioner is rarely kicking on, so it is blissfully quiet except for an occasional sound of a tractor in the distance.
The picture of the cotton field is from flickr creative commons . The cotton fields in my area have been replaced over the last few years by bean crops. I always thought seeing the dazzling white cotton perched atop the cinnamon brown stalks was beautiful. I miss being surrounded on three sides by it's beauty.The beans, meanwhile, are boring and are full of mice!
I still haven't heard from my son , so I don't know if he is coming this way or not. Just two days until he gets off, so I'm thinking probably not..sigh...Also missing my daughter in AL. I bet their weather is even cooler.
Workshops update
3 days ago