Really............So I have another blog, which is my official author page. Jacqueline Kimball- Just a Bloggin' I write about me and the family,good books to read,interview authors, and whatever else pops in my lil ole southern head!
Hi Y'all! I am a mom,nana,teacher, dog owner,and Christian fiction writer from northern Louisiana.
I am presently writing my 5th and 6th novel. Most of my books are set in the mid 1800s. I am a tad obsessed with pioneers and wagon trains. :)
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The Pain Of Lymphedema
I have a newsreel on lymphedema on my blog that has the current news on lymphedema,which I have.A few days ago, from the Huffington Post,I read a ridiculous statement by a therapist who stated that lyphedema is not painful.Uh,hello?.....I beg to differ. Here is a response to her letter by a professional that decided to politely set her straight! Pain of Lymphedema Lymphedema is often times painful, as I can attest. Please ignore, and don't pass on remarks to any of your friends that have lymphedema that your read that it is not painful just because some arrogant snot that does not have a clue said so!( I have had people tell me ," But I read that it is not that painful." .......and I think, "Oh really, did you lay awake til the early hours of the morning with your legs hurting
so bad that you could not sleep?I did.
This picture was taken before diagnosis . All I knew was something was terribly wrong!
Painful Day
A Bad Day /Lymphedema
Gettin' off Compression Hose! HA!!!
I just wish I had help like this!lol!!!
See? Not Fat! A Good Day is Rare,But I Do Have Them.
Cellulitus,Day One
My Blog List
Here is my article link on holiday stress on hubpages.
Why I left: I closed my blog last winter. I became very ill and was hospitalized. (More about that later!) I was teaching school and came home daily so exhausted that it was all I could do just to get my lessons prepared and papers graded. If I had any strength left, I did a few household chores.I would go for weeks without blogging, so I closed my blog for awhile.
Why I'm back: Now I am retiring and will not go back in the fall, so I should have time to blog again. I hope I can get traffic again, but if not it will still be a fun outlet for writing. In addition to blogging I am now writing on hubpages and snipsly, and plan to find more places to write and publish. Hey, some folks like their facebook and farm....I like to write and make cyber friends!